The First "Just Caitlin" Sunday Strip!

I've mentioned it before but I'll go ahead and re-post here: This is a non-cannon strip from "Just Caitlin." The JC strip was originally designed to be in newspapers, so it's written in a 6-daily, 1 Sunday strip format. As most readers know, the daily strips tend to follow story arcs, but those story arcs do NOT get extended to the Sunday Strips. The Sunday Strips are stand-alone jokes that offer some more fun moments between the characters and are not meant to supplement or act as additions to the main stories.

The majority of Sunday Strips will NOT be posted online; I will end up posting a few to compensate for having to take a week off, etc, but the majority of them will not see the internet. This strip was the very first of the Sunday Strips and was posted during an unplanned break.



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